SWOT Strategy Matrix **The business you will use is Amazon**Prepare a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportuni

SWOT Strategy Matrix **The business you will use is Amazon**Prepare a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threat (SWOT) Strategy Matrix. This is a 9 cell diagram that matches and links SWOT. Use the proper notation for each of the cells.There are 8 steps in creating a SWOT Strategy Matrix:List the firm’s key external opportunities.List the firm’s key external threats.List the firm’s key internal strengths.List the firm’s key internal weaknesses.Match internal strengths with external opportunities and record the resultant SO Strategies in the appropriate cell.Match internal weaknesses with external opportunities and record the resultant WO Strategies.Match internal strengths with external threats and record the resultant ST Strategies.Match internal weaknesses with external threats and record the resultant WT Strategies.

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